Love Letter/Wine Box Ceremony

(variations include The Time Capsule or the Argument Box)

Let’s face it; married couples argue. In fact, it can be healthy to argue, but no matter, couples will argue either way. There will be “rough patches”. All marriages have them. Good marriages for sure. A marriage without the occasional argument is a marriage where no one is paying attention.

The Love Letter / Wine Box Ceremony takes some careful preparation, but it is a thoughtful way to create a time capsule bringing partners back to their wedding day when everything was happy, and no one said hurtful things and the future was bright.

What a gift to give a marriage at its greatest need. Before giving up or making any irrational decisions, to sit down and open the box together, uncork the wine and unseal the envelopes. Then to read love letters you wrote to remind your beloved why you love them, why you would marry them, and why you would stay when the going got tough.

Writing love letters with the intention to visit them in the future doesn’t prevent the argument from happening, but the romantic sentiments you wrote, the declaration of love, the clear thoughts about why you chose this person as your life partner will help put you back on even ground.

The hope is, of course, that the box never needs to be opened until a chosen anniversary in the future. 5, 10, 15, 25 years from now, what would your letters say?