Celebrations of Life

From birth until death, life is filled with celebration. While some are joyous and others filled with sorrow, the one common thread that connects them all is love. We are honored to share both your joy and your sorrow – from blessing your new arrival to saying farewell when the end has come.

Memorial Services – $250

Let us be honest with death. Let us not pretend that it is less than it is. It is separation, it is sorrow, and loss. But let us also not pretend that death is more than it is. It is not annihilation. It is not an end to love. It is not an end to joy and laughter.

When someone we have known, loved, and cared for dies, family and friends gather. At times when we must face death and loss, we need one another’s company for understanding and support. Just to be together, to look into one another’s faces, takes away some of our loneliness and draws our hearts together in the healing we can offer one another. At such time, the various faiths that sustain us separately come together in a harmony that acts across all creeds and assures us of the permanence of human goodness and hope.

Few entering this life can ever escape sadness. Each of us must bear burdens, though we be rich or poor, and bid loved ones farewell as they set out upon life’s ventures. Each one of us must face that sad farewell when loved ones embark on the last voyage, and each in turn must take that final journey. But for those who make this life a pledge to the spirit, there comes the assurance of a transformation that shall redeem life’s pain.

Our uplifting and heartfelt ceremonies speak to the sacredness of death as a part of the sacredness of life and provide deep healing for those left behind. We don’t believe in the concept of Hell or eternal damnation – we do believe in redemption and resurrection of the soul. A true Celebration of Life is just that – a celebration.

Baby Blessings – $250

As we contemplate the miracle of birth, as we renew in our hearts a sense of wonder and joy, may we be stirred to a fresh awareness of the sacredness of life and of the divine promise of childhood. What better way to begin life than with a blessing?

This ceremony is both ancient and timeless. In all parts of the earth, and from the earliest days of recorded history, parents have brought their children at an early age to be blessed, that their lives may be filled with joy and peace, to be acknowledged, supported and guided by a wider community of family, friends, and compassionate others – for indeed it does take a village to properly raise a child.
Traditionally, the element of water has played a symbolic part in this ceremony, for all life has arisen from the waters, and it is through water that life is sustained as it flows forward like a river. Traditionally, this is also the time to recognize our children by name, for it is by name that each of us is acknowledged as a unique and separate person. The flower we shall present to the child is also symbolic of the individuality we wish to affirm and bless.

This occasion, shared by parents, family, and friends, to mark the fact that we all have responsibility for the care and nurturing of every child. It is our task to give them a world of peach and justice in which to grow. It is our task to share with them our ideals and hopes. It is our task to learn from them the zest and wonder of life, with which all children come into the world, and which we too often lose in later life.

In blessing the child, we celebrate the miracle of birth.  This is a time for joy. We rejoice when a child is born into the care and concern, not only of parents, but also of the family, the community.

Every child born into the world needs the love and care of others. Each deserves to be held in loving arms and to be taught good ways of living.

Each child has the right to know what it means to be human and what we must do to make life beautiful and good for ourselves, for each other, and for all the living beings who share this earth home with us.

In blessing the child, we celebrate our hopes for life.  May we so live that our children may acquire our best virtues and leave behind our worst failings. May we pass on the light of courage, compassion and the questing spirit, and may the light burn more brightly in this child that it has in us.